Lawson - Ghibli Museum Tickets

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TV Spots: September 2001 / Three 15-second CM spots
Director, Key Animator: Hayao Miyazaki
Music: Joe Hisaishi

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Museum Bug

These three CM spots promoted Lawson convenience stores as the exclusive outlets for advance sale tickets to the Studio Ghibli Museum which opened on 1 October 2001. The spots ran from September 2001 through March 2002.

Originally the museum was planned to be the kind of place where visitors could just show up at their leisure without reservations. But when projections indicated that there would be an initial demand of upwards of 8000 admissions a day, it was quickly decided to implement a reserved tickets system with a limit of 2400 admissions per day.

Thus these three spots were created. The "A Type" spot was for the October opening, the "B Type" spot was for tickets available from 20 November good through the first quarter of 2002, and the "C Type" spot was for tickets available from 20 February good through the second quarter of 2002.

The spots featured the catbus from My Neighbor Totoro configured as a commuter train (!) and a character called the Museo Mushi (ムセオ虫 Museum Bug?).

Catbus as a train