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Tour of Studio Ghibli 


3. First Floor and Basement (Ink & Paint, CG, and Photography)

Ink & Paint:
digital paintGhibli is now "full digital" concerning the ink & paint department.  It no longer uses cels.  Instead, animations are scanned into computers, digitally painted, and then filmed. ink & paint
There used to be many paint bins stored in this room, and the staff were busy working on cels with their brushes.  Today, they are working with the computers on thier desks, clicking mouses.

CG room
Ghibli has just extended its CG department.  A hallway to store paint bins has been turned into a new CG room.  Since it has no window, Miyazaki suggested the Art department to paint a picture on the wall.

  800gb 800 GB data storage








Photography department and CG department share the same room. There is no wall between them. There are two huge computer-controlled multiplane cameras at the basement (one can be changeable to digital camera from the ordinary 35mm film camera). Miyazaki named them "Yamato" and "Musashi" (Japanese battleships during World War II) as "there will no longer be such large cameras like these in this century".










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