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Help with Nausicaa.net

How can we help you?
On this page, we've tried to answer some common questions about the site. If your question or answer is not found here, then please let us know.
Q: Where can I learn more about this web site?
A: You can read the mission statement and overview to learn more about this web site, navigate the site from links on the site map, be introduced to Team Ghiblink--the people who maintain this site, or contact Team Ghiblink to ask specific questions.
Q: How can I find the information that I'm looking for?
A: We understand that the site's design makes finding information difficult, and we plan to address this problem. In the meantime, we've collected answers to common questions in a number of places on the site.
Q: Where can I learn more about this web site?
A: You can read the mission statement and overview to learn more about this web site, navigate the site from links on the site map, be introduced to Team Ghiblink--the people who maintain this site, or contact Team Ghiblink to ask specific questions.
Q: Who can I contact with questions not answered here?
If this page did not help answer your question or help you find the information that you were looking for, please contact Team Ghiblink to describe what you are looking for and where you tried to find it, and we will respond as soon as possible.
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