[Ghibli-announce] [MH-announce] MH to be released in the US on July 9

Ryoko Toyama (ryokot@rocketmail.com)
Wed, 14 Apr 1999 19:11:10 -0700 (PDT)

Message-ID: <19990415021111.20547.rocketmail@web1.rocketmail.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 19:11:10 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ryoko Toyama <ryokot@rocketmail.com>
Subject: [Ghibli-announce] [MH-announce] MH to be released in the US on July 9
To: mh-announce@nausicaa.net

"Princess Mononoke" is planned to be released in the US on July 9, 1999.

(Please note, Miramax can still change the release date in the last minute.
They have done this before.) 

Dimension Films' homepage has the following sentences in their news about
their acquisition of Neil Gaiman's "Stardust":

Neil Gaiman wrote the English-language script for the animated film "Princess
Mononoke," which features the voices of Gillian Anderson, Billy Crudup, Claire
Danes, Minnie Driver, Matthew Lillard, Jada Pinkett and Billy Bob Thornton.
"Princess Mononoke," the second highest-grossing movie in Japan's history,
will be released in the U.S. by Miramax on July 9, 1999.

Moreover, during the "My Neighbors the Yamadas" press conference held in Tokyo
on April 8, 1999, it was also announced to the attending journalists in Japan
that "Princess Mononoke" will be released in the United States on July 9, 1999.

Some Japanese newspaper reports on the conference also reiterated the claim
mentioned before (see, for example, the 9-month old report in the Studio
Ghibli website at http://www.ntv.co.jp/ghibli/yamada/index.html) that the film
will be shown in one thousand screens in one hundred cities in the United
States. But the Miramax publicity people Team Ghiblink has talked with a few
days ago who didn't want to be quoted as an official source did not mention
"100 cities," but "the top 20 markets," and also stressed that their plans are
not final and could change.

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